How to Fix Installation Fails with No Error Code on Windows 10

Does the installation fails with no error code on Windows 10?

Although updating Windows provides users with new features, bug fixes, etc., it may occasionally come with a few errors you may not have anticipated. These errors may occur regardless of the version of Windows you’re installing. 

Users generally get rid of these errors with the help of the error code. By simply using the error code, you can search for the type of error you’re encountering and discover various ways to fix the issue on hand. But what if you’re facing a problem with no error code?

Many users have reported that their installation fails with no error code on Windows 10. If you’re in a similar boat, read through this guide to learn various solutions to troubleshoot this problem. 

So, let’s get started!

1. Ensure All The Minimum Requirements Are Met. 

If you’re seeing ‘installation fail error’ on Windows 10, the very first step is to ensure that you meet all the requirements to install Windows 10 on your PC. If any of these are not met, you will not be able to update your OS. You can check out the minimum specifications list from the official website

In case your system meets all the requirements, but still, the installation fails with no error code on Windows 10, go through the methods mentioned in this guide to troubleshoot your issue. 

2. Disconnect All Peripherals.

Before moving to more specific methods, one of the easiest and simplest ways to resolve your problem is to ensure that no external devices are attached to your computer. If any peripheral, such as a printer, headphones, scanner, etc., is connected to your system, the power supply unit won’t be enough to provide adequate power to install the OS. 

Therefore, disconnect all the non-essential peripherals from your device and try installing Windows 10 again. Hopefully, this will solve the installation failed error in Windows 10. 

Installation Fails with No Error Code on Windows 10

2. Uninstall Third-Party Anti-Virus.

Third-party antivirus software may also interfere with the installation process of Windows 10. Many users have reported that after disabling or uninstalling the third-party antivirus suite, their Windows 10 installation has been successful. So, try it out and see if it fixes your problem. 

Here’s what you have to do:

  1. Launch the Run command box by pressing Win + R keys
  2. Next, type in ‘appwiz.cpl’ in the search bar and click on OK
run dialog
  1. Once the Programs and features screen appears, scroll down and find the antivirus you wish to uninstall. 
  2. Now, right-click on it and select the Uninstall option. 
Installation Fails with No Error Code on Windows 10
  1. Afterward, follow the on-screen instructions to remove the software. 
  2. Once done, restart your PC. 

Keep in mind that you can still use Microsoft Defender as it’s not a third-party software. Moreover, you can reinstall the software once your Windows 10 is successfully updated. 

3. Uninstall Language Packs. 

Another way to fix installation fails with no error code on Windows 10 is by uninstalling any secondary language packs installed on your PC. Secondary language packs, other than your active language ones, may get in the way of the Windows 10 installation process, so getting rid of them will do the job. 

There are two varying methods to uninstall the Languages pack, one for Windows 10 systems and the other one for systems being upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7/8. We’ve discussed both of these in this guide. 

If you’re using Windows 10, follow these steps below: 

  1. Launch the Start menu and type in ‘language settings’ in the search bar. Then, select the same from the search results.  
  2. This will open the Language screen in Windows Settings. Alternatively, open Settings by pressing Win + i keys, choose Time & Language, and click on Language from the left pane. 
windows settings
  1. Now, ensure that your active language is selected under Windows display language
language settings
  1. Next, click on other languages and choose Remove
Installation Fails with No Error Code on Windows 10
  1. Lastly, reboot your PC. 

Here’s how to go about it in Windows 7/8:

  1. Open the Start menu and type in ‘language’ in the search bar. 
  2. Select Change display language from the search results. 
  3. From the Region and Language window, head to the Keyboards and Languages tab from the top, and click on the Install/uninstall Languages button. 
region and language setting
  1. From the next screen, choose Uninstall display languages
uninstall display languages
  1. Remove all the languages other than your active one by following the on-screen instructions. Make sure you save these changes. 
  2. Finally, restart your computer and check if that fixed your issue or not.

4. Run DISM and SFC Scan. 

Any corrupted or damaged system files may also be the reason behind the ‘Windows 10 installation has failed’ error. In such cases, DISM and SFC scans prove to be helpful. These commands scan your system, detect all the files that need to be fixed, and repair them. 

Simply follow these steps below to do it:

  1. Open the Start menu and type ‘cmd’ in the search bar. Now, click on Run as administrator from the right side of Command Prompt.
command prompt run as administrator
  1. Once in the Command Prompt window, copy and paste the DISM command and hit the Enter key:
DISM/ Online/Cleanup-Image/RestoreHealth
Installation Fails with No Error Code on Windows 10
  1. Afterward, type in the SFC command and press the Enter key
SFC /scannow
sfc scan

After both the scans are successful, try installing Windows 10 again and check if you’re still receiving the error.

5. Rebuild BCD. 

The Windows Boot Manager software is primarily responsible for loading your PC’s OS as well as for installing Windows updates. If, for any reason, there’s a problem with the Boot Manager, the installation will fail with no error code on Windows 10. To fix this issue, you need to rebuild the Boot Configuration Data (BCD). 

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click on the Start menu and search for ‘recovery’ in the search bar. 
  2. Select Recovery option from the search results. 
  3. Now, click on Restart now under the Advanced setup section. 
Installation Fails with No Error Code on Windows 10
  1. From the Choose an Option screen, click on Troubleshoot
  1. Then, select Advanced Options and click on Command Prompt from the next screen. 
command prompt advanced options
  1. Once on the Command Prompt screen, copy and past these commands one by one and press the Enter key after each command: 
bootrec /RebuildBcd
Installation Fails with No Error Code on Windows 10
bootrec /fixMbr
bootrec /fixboot

After the execution of all the commands mentioned above, restart your PC. Now, run the Windows 10 installer and check if the error is gone. 

This brings us to the end of our guide on how to fix installation fails with no error code on Windows 10. We really hope that the methods in this guide have enabled you to successfully install Windows 10 on your computer. In case of other queries, use the comments section. We’ll gladly assist you further. 

If this guide helped you, please share it. 😊


  • Aimen Choudhry

    Aimen Choudhry is an architecture student who has always been fascinated by science. She now finds her therapy researching and writing about the latest technology and the issues that come alongside. Otherwise, you’ll find her playing video games, listening to music, or watching fantasy/sci-fi movies.

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